Safety Info

1.) A responsible ADULT must supervise and operate the inflatable and equipment at all times.

2.) Remove all shoes, jewelry, eyeglasses, or any other sharp/hard objects that could cause injury to other participants or to the inflatable itself.

3.) Absolutely NO food, drink, gum, candy, SILLY STRING, soap, shampoo's, lubricants, confetti, paint, other substances, or pets inside or on the inflatable.

4.) NO flips, wrestling, running, pushing, climbing the net wall or any other rough play that could injure other participants. Do not let participants bounce against the sides or entrance.

5.) Do not play on the entrance or exit or on the step or front apron of any inflatable.

6.) Only participants of compatible age and size should be in the inflatable at the same time. Mixing participants of different sizes will greatly increase the risk of injury.

7.) Water hoses or water must not be used on any inflatable(s), unless specifically manufactured for use with water, and then only use of water in the authorized manor is permitted.

8.) Always follow all directions for use that are posted on the unit itself.

9.) If winds exceed 15 mph, lightening occurs, or it begins to rain please clear everyone from the inflatable. After all participants are out, unplug the blower from the power outlet, and wait for the weather to subside. After the weather has passed, re-inflate the unit as previously instructed by the Extreme Jump employee during set-up. Wait for the unit to fully inflate, and then use towels to dry the inside of the bounce house to avoid any slipping. Please keep in mind the inflatables become very slippery when wet. We know everyone wants to get back to playing, but safety is always the priority.

10.) Should the blower stop for any reason, instruct all participants to exit the unit calmly and safely.. Most often the cause is an overloaded circuit or a piece of debris in front of the blower intake. Reset the circuit breaker and ensure that the blower is on a dedicated circuit. Clear any debris away from the blower intake prior to turning the blower on.

11.) In the event of an emergency, Dial 911 immediately

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